The z-index property in CSS behaves differently than I (unconsciously) always thought, I learned today. A web-application I’m working on has two CSS dropdown menu’s, that can sometimes overlap. The main menu should appear above the other menu, so I gave the main menu a higher z-index than the other menu. The container of my main menu also had a z-index, but it’s lower than the z-index of both menu’s so it doesn’t matter right? Well, apparently is does matter, in some cases.
Software Engineering
For my company I created my first Zend 2 module and they were kind enough to let me release it as open source software on GitHub. The ZF2 Assetic module is a Zend Framework 2 module to use Assetic (an asset management framework for PHP) in your Zend 2 application. An examples module is available as well.
Services can be registered in the configuration as invokables and accessed anywhere in the application through the service locator. There’s a limitation though. The service is not able to use dependencies that are needed during the creation of the service. To solve this, Zend Framework 2 uses factories.
Update March 2015: TweetDeck now supports Teams, ‘a simple way to share access to your Twitter accounts without sharing passwords’.
Twitter does not by default allow multiple users to access one account. As a solution they offer TweetDeck, however setting things up for the first time can be a bit confusing. Let’s assume we have a business account and we’d like a co-worker to post on behalf of that account, but we do not want to give her credentials to the business account. Here’s how to do it.